How Many Years Can a Person Live with HIV or AIDS?

There are now studies that show that people who are taking HIV treatment can live up to 60 years and even beyond it.

Published in The Lancet, the study showed that successful treatment of an HIV-positive person in his/her 20’s can expect to live up to 63 years old.

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As there are now more advanced treatments available, there is a decrease in death risk among people who have HIV.

Yet despite the results of the study, many experts still say that the life expectancy of HIV positive individuals is still lower.

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3 Proven Ways to Live Longer

The life expectancy of a person with HIV might be reduced, but as with anyone else, there are so many ways to live longer and to get the most out of life.

Here are some tips from experts that can help to live a longer and happier life.

Avoid Stress

Stress can make people sick. Whether you have HIV or not, it can significantly affect your life and can put you at serious health risks. Anxiety, depression, and stress hurt people these days.

So instead of being depressed over the things that you cannot control, why not look on the other side of life.

You may have been diagnosed or you might be suffering from HIV, but it is not yet the end of life. You need to be more proactive and find ways to combat depression.

Eat and Live Healthy

How Many Years Can a Person Live with HIV or AIDS

This applies to everyone. But for people with HIV, it is very important to have a healthy gastrointestinal tract simply because this condition affects lymphoid tissues in the body.

That is why it is very important that you choose carefully the food that you want to eat.

Make sure that they are clean and that they have nutrients and minerals. Go for a diet that is rich in fiber and probiotics. You can still eat your comfort food but you should have more nutritious meals.

Go On With Life

The moment a person finds out that he or she has HIV, the world stops and it is a normal reaction. After all, no one wants to be in this tough predicament. Although it cannot be completely cured, it does not mean that you have to stop living your life.

If you want to live beyond your years, it has to start with you. Doctors can also predict your life expectancy. In the end, it is you will decide how you want to live your life.

Go on with the things you used to do. Live life as if it is normal and you will be surprised that you have lived a happier life than everyone else.


Having HIV is a serious condition. It requires support from family and constant medication. With the right treatment and support from loved ones, it is possible for people with HIV to live longer and to enjoy their lives.